We are pleased to announce that the fifth annual Different Games Conference will take place on May 31-June 3, 2017 at OCAD University in Toronto, ON, CA!

For four years, the Brooklyn based Different Games conference has presented a diverse and interdisciplinary venue known for featuring emerging voices and perspectives not typically supported by the commercial industry. Created by the Different Games Collective, a grassroots organization aimed at fostering diversity and inclusivity in games, the event seeks to amplify the creative and critical voices of marginalized participants in games culture. Geared towards accessibility and radical inclusivity, each annual volunteer-led conference features presenters of all professional backgrounds, from indie devs, and DIY creators to students, critics and scholars.

This year we’re joining forces with members of Toronto’s indie games scene to bring a brand new program to OCAD University’s 49 McCaul Street gallery, which will include an arcade exhibition featuring the best of alternative games, VR, and performances from local and international developers, and a one day conference featuring local developers and creators

Getting There

Detailed instructions on how to get to the conference are available on our Eventbrite.

Conference Schedule

Saturday, June 3rd

Main Space
9:30am - 10:00am Registration and Coffee
10:00am - 11:00am Keynote: Sagan Yee
11:00am - 11:15am Break
11:15am - 12:45pm Panel: Academy's role in supporting marginalized voices in games culture
12:45pm - 13:15pm Lunch Break
13:15pm - 14:45pm Micro Talks
14:45pm - 15:00pm Break
15:00pm - 16:30pm Community Panel
9:30am - 10:00am
10:00am - 11:00am
11:00am - 11:15am
12:45pm - 13:15pm
13:15pm - 14:45pm
14:45pm - 15:00pm
15:00pm - 16:30pm
Full Schedule With Descriptions